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Fernando BOTELHO and Demoiselle Project teamwork The BLERIOT XI ' PEGOUD' during its landing The BLERIOT XI ' PEGOUD' on La Ferté Alais airfield An impressive flight of the SANTOS-DUMONT DEMOISELLE Fernando BOTELHO and Jean SALIS: a great respect! The BLERIOT XI ' PEGOUD' during its remarkable flight The agreement between the Centennial Committe and the Insituto Arruda Botelho

30th june 2007

Centennial Committee and Aero Retro delegates in La Ferte Alais

The mecqa of early aviation in France

Visit of a Centennial Committee and Aero Retro delegation to La Ferte Alais (Essonne, France). A good occasion to meeting with Jean SALIS teamwork (AJBS: Association of Jean-Baptiste SALIS's Friends) and to watch some early airplanes replicas flying including the famous Bleriot XI 'Pegoud' of 1909 and also the Demoiselle Santos-Dumont of the Instituto Arruda Botelho (Sao Paulo, Brazil) which are really expected to fly in Le Mans during the 2008 Centennial! We know that we can count on 'friends' for such event!

Partners Wright 2008
Partenaires centenaire
Wright 2008 partenaires
setram aviat atam ESA Agence Spatiale EuropéenneOuest France Université du Maine ACO Rota Dairon MG Entreprises The Outer Banks of North Carolina naha souriau sarthe cci le mans crédit agricole